

So guys, this is new years eve and I really have nothing to do. Then I decided to spend my nye in front of my laptop and write some stuffs in here. Im absolutely sure I'll be the most pathetic person alive T_T
Okay I'll write some lists about 2011, here it goes..

  • Gilak 3 taun lagi gue udah kepala 2
  • 3 taun lagi Farhan officially jadi teenagers (thirteen)
  • 3 taun lagi umur ortu gue udah setengah abad
  • UN san SNMPTN udah menghitung hari
  • Taun depan gue udah bukan pelajar lagi
  • Taun depan gue dapet KTP
  • Belanja (super mega extravagant)
  • Makan (that's why I gained 2kilos, thanks God)
  • Liat youtube (dulu dulu jarang banget)
  • Berenang (it's most likely a routinity)
  • Nonton film unyu (I used to prefer sci-fi/comedy/animation)
  • Nebengin anak kelas (bukan hobi sih, tapi biasanya dulu-dulu gue yang nebeng ke orang wkwk)
  • Gapake gesper (hobi yang satu ini berhubungan sama hobi makan)
  • Terobsesi siap-siap jadi istri/ibu/iburumahtangga yang baik, rencananya ntar pas kuliah pengen les masak, jait, dll lah.
  • Terobsesi rencanain konsep pernikahan, gara-gara liat di tumblr lucu-lucu gitu. 
  • Terobsesi nyiapin baju kebaya buat wisuda sama baju bridal
  • Terobsesi bikin rumah idaman yang banyak kaca nya, trus rumahnya country2 gitu, backyardnya rumput semua, trus ada loteng yang atap nya transparan buat ruang kumpul2 keluarga
  • Terobsesi ngilangin komedo di hidung (tapi ga kesampean)
  • Mama nya pacar (sekarang udah ex) jenguk mama gue di RS
  • Mama nya pacar jenguk gue di RS
  • Gue main kerumah pacar, pacar main kerumah gue
  • Pacaran nyampe setaun
  • Kena penyakit gajelas bernama infeksi usus
  • Jalan sama temen, baru nyampe rumah jam 10
  • Temen-temen kelompok senam latian dirumah sampe jam set10 
  • Skype video call mehehehe 
  • Luluran sendiri
  • Berantem, lost contact sama sahabat, gara gara cowo. Totally silly
  • Webcam di omegle ketemu orang Jepang gans 
  • Film unyu : I give my first love to you
  • Aktor : Masaki Okada, Skandar Keynes
  • Band : Maroon5, The Warblers
  • Singer : Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne
  • Song : Silly Love Song
  • Drink : Goodday Coolin
  • Snack : Something spicy
  • Quote : If it's meant to be, it will
  • Crush : *POTATO named Mr. Gatot* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  • Wanna be closer to my dearest Allah SWT
  • Wanna put a smile on my parents, make them proud, give them a simple lil happiness
  • Wanna be maturer, nicer, more patient, more lovely, and so on
  • Study harder! Solemnly swear I will!
  • Have a healthy life, practicing frequently, eat healthy food etc
  • Have an ideal weight
  • Semoga gue bisa jadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi dalam segala aspek. Terutama bisa lebih berbakti sama orangtua, lebih bertakwa kepada Allah SWT, lebih rajin, pantang menyerah untuk mewujudkan cita cita gue :')
  • Semoga ditahun yang akan datang, semuanya (gue, keluarga, temen-temen tersayang) jadi lebih baik (apasih), dalam hal kesehatan rejeki dll
  • Being accepted in university&faculty that best for me (in Allah's point of view)
  • Make my parents proud of me
  • Being graduated with marvelous score
  • Have a perfect boyfriend (perfect in my point of view)

Yeah there's so many thing I've faced in 2011, good, silly, worth, everything. Every single of it is valuable, and indirectly tell me more and more about what life actually mean, also makes me stronger, even wiser for facing my life ahead. Mmmm I think thats all for nowwwww.



The awkward moment

The awkward moment when you're crying for something that's not worth enough to be cried for. The awkward moment when you've known and realized about something but you're still crying when you saw the obvius fact. The awkward moment when you cant choose to refuse this feeling though you know it'll hurt you in the end. The awkward moment when you just wanna die, because of something dumb. The awkward moment when suddenly you're feeling that you're lonely facing this damnshitty stuffs. The awkward moment when you dont know what to do and end up post a spam in your blog.



This is important. I hope YOU read this

Just wanna spread out some shts that stucks on my mind. There's something I want guys to understand. A little important thing which can save a girl's heart. Here it goes. I think guys shouldnt act way too nice, or it'll indirectly giving a high expectation for a girl who is in love with you. She'll probably think that you like her too, and thats really bad! You shouldn't act like she is special if she isn't that special for you. Shouldn't pretend to care a lot about her when in fact you dont care that much. UNDERSTAND? AND ONE MORE. If you're typical of sweetie guys who always act way too nice to everygirl, pls just let her know about that shity fact  for the very first time then she won't feel so special, won't think that you like her, won't expect too high, and won't feeling a broken heart.

Please guys, pretty please. A girl's heart isn't something that you can play with. It is a fragile precious thing. Please try to be a gentleman, protect it and don't break it. AND THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. Cause a little thing you do/said will means a whole world to a girl (especially if she has a crush on you/in love with you)


Sweet little thing

Well hey guys, I have no class today and probably tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And I really dont know what to do when there's actually a lot of things but none of them is interesting enough to do. Okay since I 'have nothing to do' I'll tell you about someone, about hows the first time I met him. My friend (or bestfriend, whatever) that I haven't meet in real life.

it was the last week of November 2010, when I was really into tumblr and le scroll all day long. He followed me, and messages me, asking for chitchats. he was newbie and firstly we talked alot about how tumblr works, and idk why butthe convs was too interesting to be ended, so we talked till midnight, and the next day we talked again, and again and again and since that moment, we talked everyday. We knew a lil bit more about each other, and we're influented each other about stuffs we like. He introduced some kpop to me. I was really hate kpop back than. But he had influented me successfully. And I introduced yiruma to him, and so on. It's like a total fun to have a chat with him.

Months passed and it was February 2011 already. I thought he wouldnt remember my birthday, but then he give me a cute gif and said 'you're really nice person, I hope we could know each other more and get along well till forever. I'd like to meet you in person too, someday :)' Idk why but it was the best gift I had (I mean the second best. the best was from my ex bf).

And then March. The month when Japan got hit by a great tsunami wave. When there was also issues that Philippines and Indonesia are going to get hit by tsunami also. Icould barely imagine if something happened to him, I worried a lot like whatever and I decided to hurry logged in to my tumblr account. Then again being surprised by a bunch of messages from him that said 'Have you heard about the issues?' 'are you okay' 'pls reply asap when you read my messages' I did barely think that he would worried that much :') A lot of things happened that I couldnt tell one by one. Things you should know is, we've been bestfriend already for such a short time (?)

May, when he had a summer holiday. when everything goes wrong. when we're had missunderstanding, and didnt talk for several days. Idk why but I felt a real painful. The fact that we had just being friends about 8 months makes it quite melancholic. Okay I dont wanna talk too much about this. Dunno how to explain about it and you'd probably will never understand about how it feels. Finally the missunderstanding between us had been resolved yay. But since that, everything's gone awkward and we didnt talk as much as before. But we're still had fun instead. And this was the time that I decided to lost contact and gone forever (lebe). I created new account and ignoring the old one without deactived it cause it is too precious to be deactived.

Then it comes June, July, came back to school as a senior year student. August, September, and November. It was his birthday, and I didnt know whether I should greeted him or not. But I decided to made him a grafitti via facebook. Guess what? He didnt give any response. Great, it's like great as hellafckngdmnsht. Since that, I was really sure that we wont talk anymore, we'd just be ex-friend (?) and forget each other.

December. The first term of senior year ended already. Today, I have nothing to do and decided to check my facebook account and being surprised by one message notification from him :') I was like 'omg I thought he didnt want to talk with me anymore, I wone krai'. I wish he forgive my absenceness. I wish we could get a long as well as the previous several months. I really wish to meet him in real life someday, somehow.

Sometimes people come to your life to make everything sweeter, nicer, better. Doesnt mean that he'll stay forever. If it meant to be than he'll stay forever. If he didnt mean to be, then he won't. But he'll still leave you a lil good memories (or probably a bunch of good memories) that you wont regret



Gajur (galau jurusan)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb
Sekarang udah bulan desember nih, berarti udah makin deket penghujung masa-masa SMA dan gue harus bener-bener memantapkan pilihan gue buat nerusin studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi esese. Ternyata oh ternyata ngegalauin jurusan itu bener-bener hal tergalau yang bikin galau (apasih), ketambahan lagi nilai-nilai gue yang turun semua, makin bikin galau ajedeh. Tapi yaudahlahyahhhhh gue mau bilang

Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, thanks a lot for all the blessings You've given to me, dear Allah, please let me make my parents happy and proud of me, please help me to be a better and better person, to get closer and closer to You, please dont ever leave us, spread Your blessings and Your love to us, Amin ya rabbal 'alamin. Ya Allah, if I was meant to get what I wanna get, I believe I'll find the way. But if I wasn't meant to, I believe that You've had a better plan for me. I'll always believe in You, I love You

Ini pasti bakal jadi post terandom dan ter-rubbish di blog ini, dan kalo ada orang baca pasti bakal komentar 'jangan galau mulu kali' Im sorry but I have the right to write whatever I want in here, dont even bother to say a thing. Oke udah segitu aja, gatau lagi mau nulis apa, bye :*

PS : buat orang-orang yang lagi galau, klik ini, dan ini hwhwhwhwhwh






Trotoar oh trotoar

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Oke to the point aja ya, gue mau protes, tapi gatau mau protes ke siapa. Jadi gue memutuskan untuk ngepost protes ue di blog aja. Jadi ceritanya di musim ujan yang becekh ga ada ojekh ini gue jadi sering diturunin di depan jembatan gara-gara kesiangan mulu. Jadi kan gue harus jalan tuh dari jembatan sampe sekolah. Sebenernya deket si, tapi kendalanya adalah. Gue bingung, kenapa si ga ada tempat yang layak gitu buat jalan kaki di pinggiran biar ga ketabrak mobil. Trotoar di pinggir jalan tuh epic fail bgt, terbuat dari tanah yang notabene bakal beceghghgh dan lembek-lembek gajelas gitu kalo abis kena ujan. Ada juga trotoar dari aspal, bagus, TAPI ditengah-tengahnya dikasih tanaman gitu deh. Niatnya si bagus kali ya biar go green, tapi gue kalo jalan di situ jadi nyangkut-nyangkut ranting, miring-miring, ribet banget lah pokoknya.
Emang si, mungkin karena jalan yang gue maksud itu berada di dalam komplek perumahan jadi keberadaan trotoar kecil ga begitu penting, tapi tetep aja bagi gue, bagi orang yang suka jalan kaki di situ, itu penting. Lagipula bukan cuma di jalan depan sekolah gue kok, tapi masih banyak di jalan-jalan raya lainnya yang trotoar untuk pejalan kakinya masih agak kurang nyaman, terlebih lagi kendaraan roda dua suka srepet srepet ngelewatin trotoar, ngambil lahan pejalan kaki.
Yaudah deh cukup sekian aja a protesnya. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb. :')



Halo, para pembaca (sok berasa ada yang baca)!!! blog ini sepertinya sedang melewati masa-masa hiatus, udah lama banget nih ga ada yang ngepost sampe berlumut blog nya.
Yaudah langsung aja ya, gue penasaran kenapa ya orangtua sering banget nanyain hal yang sama sebanyak 862485782x dalam sehari. Misal 'kamu kapan terima rapot' padahal kemaren udah nanya, kemaren dan kemarennya lagi juga udah nanya. Mungkin itu sebenernya karena mereka pengen ngajak kita ngobrol tapi gatau apa yang au diobrolin kali ya. Well though its a 'bit' annoying but I still appreciate it and try to be as respectful as I can, which is mean answering that question for 73456293 times. *sekedar info, gue terima rapot
bayangan tanggal 29-10-11, doain ya semoga bagus :')

Oiya di masa-masa sibuk belajar mati-matian untuk tryout un, tryout snmptn, ulangan harian, tugas yang bejibun, dll gatau kenapa otak gue ngerasain in its peak of boredom alhasil makin hari tingkat kemalasan gue makin meningkat, gue doang yang ngerasain apa gimana ya? gimana dong biar tetep semangat lagi, cari gebetan baru kali ya? atau gimana? gimana dong? -_-

yaudah deh berhubung gue lagi galau (bukan galauin cowo) dan banyak pikiran (bukan mikirin cowo) dan lagi pengen bengong (bukan bengongin cowo juga) maka gue sudahi saja sesi curhat gapenting disini, ok, bye <3


Random stuffs


Hello guys

So, just wanna tell you guys directly
There once a boy who made me gone crazy
And acted that silly
And did unnecessary

I was fall to deep
With such a blindness shit
Such a long time and intercate way
To made me realise
That it's just a total false
And it was too late to survive

when it went way more wrong
with partly soul just tend to be strong
Burried all the sad song, and go on

But guess what?
There's still in my heart
There's still an untreated mark
That lies in the darkest part

Dear Dad

You taught me how to walk for the very first time
You work so hard to buy me everything I want
You take me wherever even you're so tired

Although we dont really get along well
Just like how I get along well with mom
Although I've never greet you a 'happy father's day'
Just like I greet a 'Happy mother's day' to mom
Although I never seems to worry about you
Just like how Im worrying mom
Although I never say "thanks dad I love you'
Just like I say it everytime to mom
Although we arguing a lot
Although I said that I hate you for a thousands time

But deep inside of my heart
I really love you
As much as I love mom
And I wanna thank you
For your prays that shades me
For your efforts to make me happy
For every love you've given to me
For everything


I give my first love to you

I give my first love to you/Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimini Sasagu is a Japanesse movie that appeared in youtube recommedation while I was watching a movie there several days ago. The story is about a boy and a girl who are in love since they're 8 years old. They grow up together and end up being a couple, but in sort of time they have to be separated. I have no idea how this movie with such a simple story would be touching and bring me to tears so damn much everytime I remember it! I definitely recommend this to you. Just W-O-W :'''')

Life is so sad. It’s full of heartbreaks like this. But, I don’t regret a thing; that I met you, that I fell in love with you. If I were to meet you again, even knowing such sadness awaits me, I’d definitely fall in love with you again

This is the letter made by Takuma
(in manga version)

I was debating about whether to write a will or not,
But if I died,
Just in case, I’d regret it thinking,
I wish I wrote one
I decided to write one.
Truthfully, I thought a video would be good.
I actually asked Ritsu-chan to help me.
But for me, I couldn’t do it.
So in the end, I chose to write a letter.
Please use this as my funeral portrait.
If you can, please make my funeral bright, not gloomy.
Please don’t cry, because I am very happy.
I don’t have any regrets.
I lived a fulfilling life.

But, you know, if I am saved…
There are heaps of things I want to do.
Even if I’m one year late…
I want to go to the same university.
Also, when we turn 20, just like I promised,
I want to hold a wedding.
Mayu donned in pure white…
It definitely be beautiful.
Oh, the pools!
I want to go to the pools!
Since I’ve never swam before, you’ll have to teach me.
Laughing is prohibited.
It’d be mortifying!

And then…
Of course, I’d like children.
I want to be a dad too.
You’ll definitely be a strict mom, so I’ll spoil the kids horribly.
A girl would be nice…
I want to say how cute she is every day.
But if it’s a boy…
I wonder if we could play baseball together!
At our son’s sports meet, I’ll definitely be fired up!

Because of my illness,
At my sports meet, I could only sit and watch.
The class’s parent race was the only time the Kakinouchi could participate.
Dad was so fast…

I, too, if we have children, want to show them good things.
That is my dream.
Mayu, if I die, this is my last request.
In my stead, please fulfill my dreams.
You have to…have a family with someone and be happy.
Make sure you fall in love again with someone else…
But I hope…
I hope that our first love will be the fulfillment of that dream…



Semoga dalam menyongsong umurnya yang ke 66, pelajar Indonesia (khususnya yang sekolah di SMA gue) makin banyak yang keterima undangan di PTN yang diinginkan AMIN! LOOOOOOOL
Semoga pelajaran Pkn (somehow) bisa jadi pelajaran yang menyenangkan suatu hari nanti AMIN! Btw biar post nya ga terlalu nyampah, sekaligus menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme bagi yang membaca, I suggest you to click THIS and enjoy!

ga belajar belajar nih gue jadinya, bye!



Well hello guys, it's been a while since the last time I shared some story here. This whole first month of my senior year is really such a hard time for me. Evertyhing starts from my aim to reach the highest score in every single subjects which Im too obsessed with, and it leads me to work so hard and expect too much. But then most of the time in the end, I only get average or the same as students who didnt work as hard as me. At first, it's really a matter for me, but it isn't such a big deal anymore by the time.

I wasn't faced this hard time alone by myself, there are "the master of violin" and "the great master of science" whom be the person I talked with mostly, and where I got some advices from. Actually Im not agree in every of their opinion/advice, but there's still something I can get from them. One of them told me that 'there is no rainbow without a rain' . This is really such a powerful quote which can boost me up everytime I feel down. There is no rainbow without a rain unless you want to see the fake one just by draw it without waiting for the rain ends. But that fake one won't be as beautiful as the real one. And the other one, somehow (in unexplainable undirectly way) teach me how to be more tolerant, be nice and faced everything maturely. They're also the one who make me fully understand about what the real mean of that quote above is.

Yeah I have to say thanks a lot to both of them. I may be the btchst person they've ever known, but this is me with my own imperfection and someday (I hope) I'll handle all of those imperfection to be a better, better and better btch alive!

Okay thats all for now, thanks for those who spare their time just to read this such a rubbish. salam gaul! Dont forget to leave a comment yaaaaaa plsplspls



If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light
Then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Girl I know we had some good times
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
Girl you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me so, why don't you go

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated


Hanya sekedar opini

Banyak orangtua yang tidak mengerti tentang psikologis anak atau bahkan tidak peduli saking sibuknya. Di waktu senggang saya kali ini, saya akan menyampaikan opini saya terhadap hal ini.

Menurut saya, kebanyakan orangtua zaman sekarang tidak terlalu mengerti mengenai psikologis anak, hal itu dikarnakan mereka terlalu sibuk untuk memikirkan hal-hal materil yang notabene mendominasi kehidupan dalam hal memenuhi kebutuhan di era ini. Tidak jarang orangtua yang sudah terlalu capeknya bekerja menjadikan rumah untuk tempat mencurahkan emosi amarahnya. Mungkin ada yang setiap hari menyaksikan ayahnya bertengkar dengan ibu, atau orangtua memahari pembantu, atau orangtua memarahi anaknya, dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini tentu sangat tidak baik untuk psikologis anak.

Orangtua seharusnya sadar, anak2 mereka juga pasti mempunyai masalah di lingkungan sosialnya ataupun dalam kegiatan belajarnya. Jika ditambah dengan mendengarkan pertengkarang atau cekcok seperti yang telah saya sebutkan, anak akan menjadi tambah tertekan, terlebih lagi jika anak tersebut tidak mempunyai seseorang untuk mencurahkan masalah-masalahnya atau rasa tertekannya itu, semuanya akan menjadi lebih parah. Selain itu, dengan kesibukan orangtua dijaman ini, tidak banyak dari mereka yang masih bisa memberikan perhatian nya kepada anak2nya. Kadang-kadang saking sibuknya orangtua, mereka tidak tahu atas hal-hal kecil maupun hal besar yang telah diraih anaknya, seperti mendapat nilai ulangan bagus dsb, dan anak tersebut akan merasa usahanya tidak dihargai. Sementara itu ketika anak melakukan kesalahan kecil, orangtua pasti langsung mengomel dan memarahi anak itu habis-habisan. Hal-hal yang telah saya jabarkan diatas tersebut dapat membawa dampak negatif terhadap psikologis anak, dan juga akan mempengaruhi watak dan prilaku si anak. Mungkin anak tersebut akan menjadi selalu murung, atau menjadi temramen, atau moody, dll.

Kalau orangtua membaca opini saya tersebut, pasti ada dari mereka yang akan berkomentar 'ya orangtua kan juga manusia yang ga sempurna, jadi jangan contoh keburukan2nya, contoh yang baik2nya. Kalau orangtua bawaannya marah-marah terus itu karna capek kerja, jadi dimaklumin dong'. Saya sangat menghargai dan setuju dengan kata kata tersebut. Tetapi harap di ingat, dalam buku psikologi manapun anda akan menemukan kalimat bahwa psikologi kepribadian seseorang itu tergantung dari lingkungannya, hal itu bisa diubah, tetapi jangan kira mengubah kepribadian itu mudah. Kalau anda-anda orangtua ingin anaknya merubah sikapnya yang tidak baik, tolong beri contoh terlebih dahulu dengan merubah sikap-sikap anda yang tidak baik menjadi baik. Dan jika anda ingin kita memaklumi mood anda yang selalu buruk karena lelah bekerja, tolong maklumi juga mood anak anda yang buruk karena lelah belajar dan lelah mendengar dan mendapat omelan dari orangtua setiap hari. Sekian opini dari saya, maaf sebesar-besarnya jika ada kesalahan kata, tulisan ini dibuat hanya sekedar untuk memberikan opini dan sedikit saran, tanpa ada niat buruk. Terimakasih bagi yang sudah membaca :)


Wedding Ideas

Jadi ceritanya kemaren kemaren kemarennya lagi tepatnya hari Jumat tanggal 17 Juni 2011 gue janjian sama sony <3 ke sekolah buat bayar TOEFL bareng. Karena lama nungguin dia, akhirnya gue ke perpus dulu, trus gue liat ada majalah provoke di meja, gue baca dehhhhhh. Nah dari situ gue nemuin artikel menarik tentang wedding ideas. Disitu juga tercantum alamat web sumber artikel itu. Akhirnya pas nyampe rumah, berhubung ga ada kerjaan akhirnya I decided to check that blog out, AND I SUGGEST YOU TO CHECK IT OUT ALSO BY CLICKING HERE. Pas gue liat-liat blog nya, gue langsung sukaaaa banget. Disitu banyak foto-foto dan beberapa artikel tentang wedding theme. Gue suka banget ngebayangin how my wedding party going to be. Entah cuma gue doang apa semua cewe emang suka begitu.

Nah setelah gue mantengin blog itu selama 2 hari berturut-turut dan sukses ngeliat semua post-postnya akhirnya gue nemuin wedding theme idaman gue. Gue gatau nama theme nya apa tapi yang jelas gue pengen kayak scrapbook gitu, dekor nya unik-unik pokoknya semuanya unik. Gue juga pengen nya yang garden party dan ga terlalu formal. Well, I'd better show you some picture about the wedding theme I like.

^wedding invitation


^wedding cake

^guest book

^favors (honey jar)

^flower girls



^dan yang terahir adalah notes
dari para tamu undangan atas
kesan pesan untuk pengantinnya.

Tapi setelah gue pikir-pikir wedding party kayak gitu ga lazim di Indonesia. Pasti nanti ujung-ujungny aharus yang formal dan pake adat. Yaudahlah pokoknya sekarang gue mau daydreaming dulu, wedding party yang benerannya kan masih lama juga. okay bye bye :*

Farhan disunat yeay!

Hey there! I supposed to be happy because it's holiday already yeaaaay. But in fact, Im not as happy as I expected =_= Gue bingung mau ngapain untuk mengisi waktu luang gue yang sangat banyak ini. Sebenernya pas sebelum liburan gue udah bikin to-do-list biar liburan ini jadi bermanfaat kayak beres-beres kamar, beres-beres berkas, nyicil belajar buat kelas 3. Tapi sekarang seteah gue pikir-pikir, Im not dilligent enough to do those boring stuffs. Well, I promise I'll still do those all, but later.

Ohiya jadi ceritanya kemaren tanggal 19 juni adek gue sama sepupu gue disunat di RUMAH SUNATAN di daerah perumpung (bagi yang berminat silahkan cari informasi lebih lanjut di www.google.com). Adek gue disunat jam 6.30 sementara sepupu gue jam 7.00 Gue tadinya gamau ikut, tapi dipaksa sama papa. Jadinya adek gue dianterin sama mama, papa, gue, ghina, dan kakek nenek. Pas udah sampe tempatnya, kita sempet foto-foto dulu. Niatnya biar ngehibur Farhan supaya ga stress, trus pas foto papa nyuruh Farhan senyum yang lebar. Alhasil senyumnya maksa banget dan gaenak diliat. Kalo gue jadi dia bahkan gue udah ga bisa senyum lagi. Ga lama kemudian nama nya Farhan udah dipanggil untuk masuk keruang penanganan. Gue ga ikutan kesana karna takut, jadinya gue nunggu diluar aja bareng sama Ghina. Kira-kira setengah jam gue nunggu tau-tau Farhan sama yang lainnya keluar dengan gagahnya, pake celana, jalan biasa, muka datar. Saking herannya gue nanya ke mama

Mi : 'Ma itu Farhan kok jalannya ga ngangkang, ga pake sarung, sama
ga kesakitan gitu sih mukanya? itu udah disunat apa belom?'
Ma : ' Yeee kamu kira jaman dulu, ini mah udah canggih, disunat udah ga sakit,
tuh langsung bisa pake celana. Masa tadi ada lho yang ga jadi disunat
gara-gara kegendutan. Dia disuruh diet dulu deh akhirnya'
Mi : '.........'

Abis itu kita langsung pulang, nenek kakek ga ikut pulang karena masih mau nemenin sepupu gue disunat, jadinya mereka cuma ngasih selembar amplop tebal ke Farhan dan balik lagi ke ruang tunggu. Pas nyampe rumah, sodara-sodara gue yang lagi nginep langsung menyambut dan memberi selamat atas keberhasilan Farhan melewati tantanga maut itu. Dannnnnnnnn mereka pada mau liat =_= I dont know what they're thinking about, I dont even want to see that, it must be really scary and yucks. Semuanya berjalan normal, gue bahkan ga ngerasain perbedaan before and after Farhan disunat, dia ga tambah ganteng ga tambah tinggi ga tambah gede, tapi dia jadi diem dan ga banyak gerak gitu sih. Nah pas siang-siang mulai deh banyak kejadian spektakuler, dia bangung tidur, trus mau pipis. Dia jalan (dengan sedikit aneh) nyari-nyari mama minta ditemenin pipis. Pas udah dikamar mandi, dia nangis, teriak-teriak kayak kesurupan, ternyata katanya sakit kalo pipis. Aduh gue jadi kasian, sabar deh ya. Semenjak saat itu, dia jadi males pipis, dan galau kalo udah kebelet. Semoga dia cepet sembuh deh, biar gue bisa ngisengin lagi.
Ohiya berhubung adek dan sepupu gue baru aja disunat jadi minggu-minggu awal dari liburan ini bakal keisi sama acara-acara keluarga. Tanggal 26 juni besok adalah hari resepsi sunatan adek gue. Tanggal 3 juli itu hari resepsi sunatan sepupu gue dan gue bakal jadi penerima tamu nya bareng sama denis hahahahahaha -,-

Okay that's all I want to share with you, thanks for reading <3 (kayak ada yang baca aja)


Coming Back

my my, it's been a while since the last time i wrote my life story :) . Anyway, di beberapa jeda waktu saat gue ga menulis udah banyak banget hal yang terjadi dan berubah tentunya. Sekolah? masih berdiri dengan kokoh, keluarga? still the same, my friend? well gue baru baru ini dapet temen deket baru ^^ ( cewe ko cewe hhe) . Looks like anything is not changing in my life, but this life is never flat rite? (kemakan iklan). lovelife? haha, bisa dibilang gue jarang beruntung dalam hal ini. beberapa bulan yang lalu pernah si deket sama sesorang, ya as usual ternyata semesta tidak menakdirkan gue dan dia untuk sama sama terus . But it just a past :))

Oh yes of course i am still "The Biggest Number One Fans of Dipa <3 " . But, do you ever heard that a lonely rabbit can die . Dan gue waktu itu hanya tinggal menunggu waktu sampe gue akhirnya nanti mati kesepian. Gue kangen masa masa dimana gue exicted banget untuk ngeliat seseorang. Pernah si ada yang buat gue tertarik, but it just different, he is not "him"

I am still here waiting for YOU

Ops, i think it's enough for this time. I just want to write down what i feel about, actually i was a little bit confused at the begining, what will i post it about? . ya seperti yang dilihat gue sedikit bercerita tentang gue dimasa sekarang, masih berstatus pelajar, masih menjadi anak yang biasa, dan masih menunggu. see you readers. wish after this our life would be greatfull (:




Something happen today and it really gives me so much pain. I have no idea how could that such a little thing could ended us up like this. I dont know what to say, I can't even drop my tears anymore. It is really hurt and I dont think you'll realize that Im hurt because I pretend like everything is fine and smile everytime. And I think you won't recognize the hurt behind that smile.
I dont know if it's what the best for us, but we've choosen this and I hope this really is.

Btw thanks for all the good memories in those past months and also for the bad memories. Those all help me to be a better person than before. And sorry for all the mistakes I made. I honestly still love you and I can't stop thinking about you and everything is completely absolutely totally hurts. Okay thats all, I have to move on. I know you've moved on already right? and Im sure you'll find someone better than me asap



a : papa kamu tukang pintu ya?
a : soalnya kamu selalu tau dimana pintu hatiku

a : kamu kayak baking powder deh
a : abisnya kamu bikin cinta aku makin besar setiap harinya

a : papa kamu diplomat ya?
a : soalnya hubungan di antara kita semakin lama semakin bagus

a : mama kamu tukan rujak ya?
a : soalnya kamu mengulek hatiku

a : kamu pasti punya pabrik gula
a : soalnya kamu manis sekali

a : papa kamu jualan selimut ya?
a : soalnya tiap ada kamu aku merasa hangat

a : kamu lalet ya?
a : soalnya kamu mengerubungi pikiran ku

a : kamu kayak kopi deh
a : soalny akamu sering bikin aku gabisa tidur

a : papa kamu nelayan ya?
a : soalnya kamu menjala hatiku

a : papa kamu nahkoda ya?
a : soalnya kamu selalu berlayar dihatiku

a : papa kamu penulis professional ya?
a : soalnya selama sama kamu cerita hidup aku jadi bahagia

a : kamu pemanah handal ya?
a : soalnya kamu memanahkan panah asmara dihatiku

a : papa kamu penyanyi dangdut ya?
a : soalnya kamu menggoyang hatiku

a : papa kamu petani ya?
a : soalnya kamu telah menumbuhkan benih cinta dihatiku

a : kamu interior designer ya?
a : soalnya kamu menghiasi hatiku

a : kamu kayak sendok deh
a : soalnya kamu mengaduk-aduk hatiku

a : papa kamu pemain gitar ya?
a : soalnya kamu menggenjreng hatiku

some of them made by b! ;D



Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. okay I know it's late but I still want to share this moment with you. My sister named Ariqah Ghina Hasnaputri, was born on April 29th 2003. She is in the 2nd grade of elementary school (SDI Al-Azhar 19). She is obsessed with barbie and pink, sooo girly but somehow boyish. She is soo mature for 8 years child, she sometimes understand when I look sad and ask 'what happen?' :O She is such a lazy student, lazy to study, and do her homework but somehow she still get a great rank IM SO JEALOUS. This is a photo of me and her :)


This is my confession. Im not really get along well with her because our difference of age is quite huge and the interest must be different. And I dont treat her well, Im not such a nice sister, I sometimes mad at her and ignore her haha omg realizing that I was too mean to be elder sister just makes me sad somehow. Okay I regret it all, I'll try to be a better sister for my younger brother and sister. Actually, no matter how mean I act in front of them, deep inside of my heart, I love them so much. I really do, but Im just too shy to show it lol.

In this her 8th birthday I gave her a fur bag with leopard pattern, t's just so simple, I dont have much money this month -_- fortunately she loves it. And I also wrote a note for her
Happy Bithday Ghina. This is your 8th birthday and I hope you'll be a better person in every aspect of your life and I hope God will always protect you in your entire life

I wanted to write more, saying sorry, tell her that she is loved etc but the card was to small lol and I was to sleepy also -_- Okay, thats all about my sister's birthday. Byeeee, thanks for reading.


Few things about Polish language

My friend and I were about to tell each other;s language. Because of she's a Polish, she told me some basic conversations in Polish. She also told me about the pronunciations. And I'd like to share it to you :3 This is it! I hope it'll be useful for you guys.

Basic Conversations :
Nazywam siÄ™ Mia My name is Mia.
Jak siÄ™ masz? How are you?
SkÄ…d jesteÅ›?
Where are you from?
Mam 20 lat.
I'm 20.
Nie wiem.
I don't know.

Basic words and the pronunciations :
Yes: Tak (as in tick-'tack')
Nie (as in 'nyeh')
Dobrze ('dough' plus a 'b' then 'she')
Hi/Bye: Cześć (use this one on friends only: 'che sh ch' but run it all together as one sound)

Good morning/afternoon:
Dzień dobry ('jean' and 'dough' plus 'bree')
Good bye:
Do widzenia ('dough' and 'wid zen ya' comes close enough)Excuse me: Przepraszam (difficult to pronounce because it includes that oh-so- not-English combo - 'p' merges into 'shey' followed by 'pra' and 'shem')

I still can't understand how to pronounce the last one :O I think Polish language is really difficult to learn. The written is complicated and so is the pronunciation. But it's very unique tho. I hope I can be able to speak Polish very fluently someday ;)


Easter Day

Hello you guyzzz, I cant stop making some posts lololol. It's because my life is too boring nowaday and I dont know whom I should talk with andddd Im not enjoy talking with cleverbot anymore because I talked with it too much-.-. Mmmm today is Easter Day and though I dont participate it I still wanna say Happy Easter Day for you!!! :D :D

My friend told me a little about the crucifixion of Jesus, such a precious knowledge. Im happy realizing the fact how we can appreciate each other's religion and share some knowledge about it. Btw she had a really great easter day. She told me, she went to church and got some foods and sweets and joint a family gathering. And the best part is her mom bought her the newest album of Muse as gift woaaaah (she is a hardcore fan of Muse) how could her day be greater, Im so jealous fuuuu. I told her that I want some sweets too, and she kindly share some sweets that she made by herself too mehhhh yeah, I'll share it too you too guys! This is it! It's really cute and looks soooo yummmmmmyyyy

Anyway, I really want to make some eggs easter. I dont know if its permissable or not, but I really want to make one since I was a child. People make easter eggs looks really really cute and variously. Okay, thats all for now. Once again


DO FUN things at DUFAN

HALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! Alhamdulillah akhirnya setelah sekian lama, blog ini diurusin lagi haha. Udah lama bgt nih semenjak terakhir kali gue nulis di blog lalaland ini, awal2 kls 11 bgt kali, tapi sekarang ternyata blognya masih bisa dibuka dan blm diblokir. haha. Soalnya gue udah bosaaaaaan sama facebook, MSN, tumblr. BOSAN BOSAN BOSAAAAN, so I decided to re-active on this blog. Yiiiiiiiiii-haaaaaaaaa.

Aduh mungkin postingan dufan udah rada basi kali ya, secara kejadiannya udah dari tanggal ummm, 4 April. Okay itu lama abis ya-,- Gapapa lah, karena gue mau share kebahagiaan juga, biar blog ini sinya gacuma galau-galau an doang haha

1. Kamis, 31 Maret 2011
Secara pulang sekolah cepet bgt karena lagi ada mid-test, jadi kita gamau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan emas yang satu ini haha(tadinya sempet mau nonton, tapi gajadi) akhirnya astor cewek makan di Pizza Hut Kalimalang. Gasampe disitu doang, abis makan kita langsung kerumah Dhika. Dan kita disediain...................Pizza
haha, jadi rada nyesel ke Pizza Hut dulu sih. Disana kita omegle-an2 gitu. Terus tiba-tiba, anak-anak pada ngajakin ke dufan. Lumayan juga sih di dufan lagi ada promo buy 1 get 1 free setiap pembelian 2 botol Happy Jus. Tapi pas ditanya ikut apa nggak, gue rada galu, soalnya kan mama...... mm gitu lah.Tadinya mama gangebolehin, trs kan malemnya gue dichat sama salahsatu tmn gue yang ngechat sampe berkali2 dan gue suruh mama gue liat dan akhirnya gue dibolehin (Y).

2. Senin, 4 April 2011
Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu tiba juga yeaaaaay. Sebenernya tadinya rada takut yang dateng jumlahnya ganjil, jadi kan harus ada yang bayar tiket penuh harga, tapi alhamdulillah yang dateng genap dan ada 28 orang. Itu rame bgt loh, dulu pas gue ke dufan sama kinetik yang ikut cuma 16 haha. Kita janjian kumpul jam brp ya,
9 kalo gasalah. Trs pas semuanya udah kumpul-kumpul didepan kodam, kita berangkat ke Kampung Melayu deh. Pas lagi nunggu yang lain di kampung melayu, gue iseng narik-narik kancing celana, dan copot, shit happens bgt. Sampe diKampung Melayu kita naik busway gandeng rame-rame, woooowwww itu seru bgt ya sampe mas-mas nya nyuruh kita jangan berisik, haha.

Sampe di dufan ternyata dufannya belum buka-,- okay berpanas-panasan kita nunggu diiringi dengen mas-mas yang menyanyikan pretty woman haha. Setelah gerbangnya dibuka kan langsung desek-desekan, selak-selakan, pokoknya bener-bener kayak orang lagi antri BLT-,- Setelah masuk ternyata ada salah satu anak Astor yang nyangkut diluar haha, sambil nungguin kita bikin planning mau naik apa, trs kita mutusin buat naik kora-kora, tapi karena rame, jadi gajadi deh haha. Ini list wahana yang gue naikin :

1. Gajah Bledug

2. Kicir - Kicir : dari awal karena emang udah terlalu stress sama uts, gue memutuskan buat naik yang ekstrim2 gitu ya di dufan, trs dari semua orang yang gue kenal yang pernah ngerasain bilang ini yang paling ekstrim, tapi pas gue liat vidionya biasa aja, jadi gue memberanikan diri buat naik, sebelum2nya sih gapernah karena gue ehem cupu males. Dan.......sekarang ini adalah wahana favorit gue didufan yeay

3. Alap - Alap

4. Tornado : Sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu gue pernah ILOK abis diwahana ini, masa ya setelah ngantri 2 jam, pas udah duduk diwahananya gue turun lagi dan otomatis diledekin orang2-,- FINALLY, akhirnya kemaren gue berani juga naik wahana ini, hanya dengan keyakinan bahwa kata orang-orang kicir- kicir itu lbh serem dari tornado, kicir-kicir aja geli-geli doang gue suka, berarti tornado mah kecil. Tapi ternyata ya, ini adalah wahana dufan paling menyeramkan buat gueeeh. Pengamannya longgar gitu, jadi ngeri jatoh dan gue gabisa nikmatin permainannya-____-

5. Ontang - Anting : mainan yang seru soalnya angin-angin giduw kan ya, tapi abis naik ini pusingnya @#$%%^&^*&*(&(*&&*^% pengen muntah abis-,-

6. Halilintar
7. Perang Bintang (2 kali)

8. Pontang - Pontang(apa pontang-panting?)

^shitface again-,-

9. Kora - Kora (2kali) : sebenernya gue gapernah naik wahana ini sebelumnya jadi gatau rasanya, saking mikirinnya mau naik wahana ini, gue sampe mimpi naik kora-kora coba-_- trs temen-temen gue cerita ini serem bgt jadi gue takut, trs gue duduk yang ditengah itu yang plg depannya. Ternyata............. rasanya kayak naik ayunan, gaberasa apa-apa-,- Trs pas wahananya berenti kita tuh pada teriah2 "lagi.lagi.lagi" trs kata masnya "kalo mau lagi antri dulu", dan akhirnya kita antri lagi, kali ini gue duduk kedua dari belakang dan baru berasa asyiknya, ini akhirnya adalah salah satu wahana favorit gue yang kedua stlh kicir-kicir hehe

10. Istana Boneka : haha ini rusuh parah ya, mulai dari ada yang perahunya mau terbalik, pada pindah perahu sampe kita sengaja miring-miringin perahunya "kanan.kiri.kanan.kiri" gitu, nyanyi-nyanyi lagunya dufan, pokoknya seru lah.

11. Hysteria : wowww, ini juga seru bgttttt, mana pas antrinya ada mas-mas mau nyelak gitu trs dinyolotin sama temen gue(Y). Pas naiknya sih biasa aja, tapi pas turunnya seru soalnya kita sampe keangkat giduw pantatnya, ga nempel ketempat duduknya. Dan recommended bgt kalo naik ini duduknya disamping atau dibelakang, karena pemandangan lautnya bagus sekali~~
12. Bom-Bom Car : dan kita ketemu mas-mas tukang selak lagi

13. Kora -Kora (lagi)

14. Kicir - Kicir (lagi dan 2 kali) : karena ada beberapa temen gue yang tadinya blm naik kicir-kicir, jadi gue naik ini lagi karena gue suka haha. Trs pas udah satu puteran gitu, karena dufannya udah mau tutup dan yang naik anak astor doang jadi pada teriak "lagi.lagi" gitu, sebenenya sih gue bilangnya "udaaaah" karena gue takut kalo naik wahana yang bahaya banyak-banyak jatohnya jadi kualat, tapi akhirnya diputerin lagi sama mas- masnya dan itu jadi wahana penutup perjalanan astor didufan hari itu :).

Pas pulang kita naik busway lagi tapi tujuannya beda-beda, kalo gue nebeng sela dan itu dijemput di gramedia matraman, jadi kita turun dimanatau itulah haha dan gue nebeng sampe depan komplek rumah kakak gue karena kebetulan gue lagi nginep dirumah doi. Trs pas dirumah ternyata masih kerasa naik kicir-kicir, masih muter-muter gitu. Apalagi pas tiduran, itu bener-bener kayak lagi naik kicir-kicir ya-,-


Berhubung post ini kepanjangan, dan bahasanya sok asik, jadi udahan dulu yaaaa :)

Try this




Heeeeey guys guess what. Finally Im learning something more about photo editor. I've been using photo editor application since 3 years ago but I only opperated some basics editing tools. And nowwww Im exploring something new. Denis gave me the tutorials link and it seems interesting, I learnt something new from it and Im still in the process of exploring. Here is the result of my edit

The first pict is the one before it edited and the second one is the result. It's not a good edit tho, Im still learning and I wish I can be better at editing stuffs. Uh I know you guys must be have explored that since a long time ago but it's still amazed me how I finally know more abput photo editor woaah :O

Random stuff

Do you know how it feels? when you can't find any peaceful place where people loves each other and the only thing that exsist there is love. It feels like you're lost.
When world gets so scary and no one will care enough to cerish you, to accompany you, your only destiny is your home where your family take places. You wish for their love. But what will you do when in fact you've no love from them. There's always fight everyday, madness, angry, yells, cries. Where will you go to find some peaceful and love?


Teenages stuff

Im wondering how can my life change a lot. It's like very different and the worst part is almost every aspect changed into the worse. I dont know how to turn it back like before. All of teenages problems fucked me up. Im just not strong enough to handle it. And I still dont know hows actually the best way to figured those out.

The fact is, I really need someone who lead me pass trough everything. No, its not parents, they're kinda antiquated and it's way too different about my thought and I cant handle it. Friends? I dont think so, they have their own problems and they're just come and leave. Bestfriends? Mmm in doubt. It just would be great if I have an older sister or brother. Im almost sure, I can talk anything to me and I have no doubt they'll be the one who always (I mean forever) by my side no matter how shit is my attitude. They must be not antiquated but mature enough to help me solve my problems. It's just great. I wish I have one.