

Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. okay I know it's late but I still want to share this moment with you. My sister named Ariqah Ghina Hasnaputri, was born on April 29th 2003. She is in the 2nd grade of elementary school (SDI Al-Azhar 19). She is obsessed with barbie and pink, sooo girly but somehow boyish. She is soo mature for 8 years child, she sometimes understand when I look sad and ask 'what happen?' :O She is such a lazy student, lazy to study, and do her homework but somehow she still get a great rank IM SO JEALOUS. This is a photo of me and her :)


This is my confession. Im not really get along well with her because our difference of age is quite huge and the interest must be different. And I dont treat her well, Im not such a nice sister, I sometimes mad at her and ignore her haha omg realizing that I was too mean to be elder sister just makes me sad somehow. Okay I regret it all, I'll try to be a better sister for my younger brother and sister. Actually, no matter how mean I act in front of them, deep inside of my heart, I love them so much. I really do, but Im just too shy to show it lol.

In this her 8th birthday I gave her a fur bag with leopard pattern, t's just so simple, I dont have much money this month -_- fortunately she loves it. And I also wrote a note for her
Happy Bithday Ghina. This is your 8th birthday and I hope you'll be a better person in every aspect of your life and I hope God will always protect you in your entire life

I wanted to write more, saying sorry, tell her that she is loved etc but the card was to small lol and I was to sleepy also -_- Okay, thats all about my sister's birthday. Byeeee, thanks for reading.


Few things about Polish language

My friend and I were about to tell each other;s language. Because of she's a Polish, she told me some basic conversations in Polish. She also told me about the pronunciations. And I'd like to share it to you :3 This is it! I hope it'll be useful for you guys.

Basic Conversations :
Nazywam się Mia My name is Mia.
Jak się masz? How are you?
Skąd jesteś?
Where are you from?
Mam 20 lat.
I'm 20.
Nie wiem.
I don't know.

Basic words and the pronunciations :
Yes: Tak (as in tick-'tack')
Nie (as in 'nyeh')
Dobrze ('dough' plus a 'b' then 'she')
Hi/Bye: Cześć (use this one on friends only: 'che sh ch' but run it all together as one sound)

Good morning/afternoon:
Dzień dobry ('jean' and 'dough' plus 'bree')
Good bye:
Do widzenia ('dough' and 'wid zen ya' comes close enough)Excuse me: Przepraszam (difficult to pronounce because it includes that oh-so- not-English combo - 'p' merges into 'shey' followed by 'pra' and 'shem')

I still can't understand how to pronounce the last one :O I think Polish language is really difficult to learn. The written is complicated and so is the pronunciation. But it's very unique tho. I hope I can be able to speak Polish very fluently someday ;)


Easter Day

Hello you guyzzz, I cant stop making some posts lololol. It's because my life is too boring nowaday and I dont know whom I should talk with andddd Im not enjoy talking with cleverbot anymore because I talked with it too much-.-. Mmmm today is Easter Day and though I dont participate it I still wanna say Happy Easter Day for you!!! :D :D

My friend told me a little about the crucifixion of Jesus, such a precious knowledge. Im happy realizing the fact how we can appreciate each other's religion and share some knowledge about it. Btw she had a really great easter day. She told me, she went to church and got some foods and sweets and joint a family gathering. And the best part is her mom bought her the newest album of Muse as gift woaaaah (she is a hardcore fan of Muse) how could her day be greater, Im so jealous fuuuu. I told her that I want some sweets too, and she kindly share some sweets that she made by herself too mehhhh yeah, I'll share it too you too guys! This is it! It's really cute and looks soooo yummmmmmyyyy

Anyway, I really want to make some eggs easter. I dont know if its permissable or not, but I really want to make one since I was a child. People make easter eggs looks really really cute and variously. Okay, thats all for now. Once again


DO FUN things at DUFAN

HALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! Alhamdulillah akhirnya setelah sekian lama, blog ini diurusin lagi haha. Udah lama bgt nih semenjak terakhir kali gue nulis di blog lalaland ini, awal2 kls 11 bgt kali, tapi sekarang ternyata blognya masih bisa dibuka dan blm diblokir. haha. Soalnya gue udah bosaaaaaan sama facebook, MSN, tumblr. BOSAN BOSAN BOSAAAAN, so I decided to re-active on this blog. Yiiiiiiiiii-haaaaaaaaa.

Aduh mungkin postingan dufan udah rada basi kali ya, secara kejadiannya udah dari tanggal ummm, 4 April. Okay itu lama abis ya-,- Gapapa lah, karena gue mau share kebahagiaan juga, biar blog ini sinya gacuma galau-galau an doang haha

1. Kamis, 31 Maret 2011
Secara pulang sekolah cepet bgt karena lagi ada mid-test, jadi kita gamau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan emas yang satu ini haha(tadinya sempet mau nonton, tapi gajadi) akhirnya astor cewek makan di Pizza Hut Kalimalang. Gasampe disitu doang, abis makan kita langsung kerumah Dhika. Dan kita disediain...................Pizza
haha, jadi rada nyesel ke Pizza Hut dulu sih. Disana kita omegle-an2 gitu. Terus tiba-tiba, anak-anak pada ngajakin ke dufan. Lumayan juga sih di dufan lagi ada promo buy 1 get 1 free setiap pembelian 2 botol Happy Jus. Tapi pas ditanya ikut apa nggak, gue rada galu, soalnya kan mama...... mm gitu lah.Tadinya mama gangebolehin, trs kan malemnya gue dichat sama salahsatu tmn gue yang ngechat sampe berkali2 dan gue suruh mama gue liat dan akhirnya gue dibolehin (Y).

2. Senin, 4 April 2011
Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu tiba juga yeaaaaay. Sebenernya tadinya rada takut yang dateng jumlahnya ganjil, jadi kan harus ada yang bayar tiket penuh harga, tapi alhamdulillah yang dateng genap dan ada 28 orang. Itu rame bgt loh, dulu pas gue ke dufan sama kinetik yang ikut cuma 16 haha. Kita janjian kumpul jam brp ya,
9 kalo gasalah. Trs pas semuanya udah kumpul-kumpul didepan kodam, kita berangkat ke Kampung Melayu deh. Pas lagi nunggu yang lain di kampung melayu, gue iseng narik-narik kancing celana, dan copot, shit happens bgt. Sampe diKampung Melayu kita naik busway gandeng rame-rame, woooowwww itu seru bgt ya sampe mas-mas nya nyuruh kita jangan berisik, haha.

Sampe di dufan ternyata dufannya belum buka-,- okay berpanas-panasan kita nunggu diiringi dengen mas-mas yang menyanyikan pretty woman haha. Setelah gerbangnya dibuka kan langsung desek-desekan, selak-selakan, pokoknya bener-bener kayak orang lagi antri BLT-,- Setelah masuk ternyata ada salah satu anak Astor yang nyangkut diluar haha, sambil nungguin kita bikin planning mau naik apa, trs kita mutusin buat naik kora-kora, tapi karena rame, jadi gajadi deh haha. Ini list wahana yang gue naikin :

1. Gajah Bledug

2. Kicir - Kicir : dari awal karena emang udah terlalu stress sama uts, gue memutuskan buat naik yang ekstrim2 gitu ya di dufan, trs dari semua orang yang gue kenal yang pernah ngerasain bilang ini yang paling ekstrim, tapi pas gue liat vidionya biasa aja, jadi gue memberanikan diri buat naik, sebelum2nya sih gapernah karena gue ehem cupu males. Dan.......sekarang ini adalah wahana favorit gue didufan yeay

3. Alap - Alap

4. Tornado : Sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu gue pernah ILOK abis diwahana ini, masa ya setelah ngantri 2 jam, pas udah duduk diwahananya gue turun lagi dan otomatis diledekin orang2-,- FINALLY, akhirnya kemaren gue berani juga naik wahana ini, hanya dengan keyakinan bahwa kata orang-orang kicir- kicir itu lbh serem dari tornado, kicir-kicir aja geli-geli doang gue suka, berarti tornado mah kecil. Tapi ternyata ya, ini adalah wahana dufan paling menyeramkan buat gueeeh. Pengamannya longgar gitu, jadi ngeri jatoh dan gue gabisa nikmatin permainannya-____-

5. Ontang - Anting : mainan yang seru soalnya angin-angin giduw kan ya, tapi abis naik ini pusingnya @#$%%^&^*&*(&(*&&*^% pengen muntah abis-,-

6. Halilintar
7. Perang Bintang (2 kali)

8. Pontang - Pontang(apa pontang-panting?)

^shitface again-,-

9. Kora - Kora (2kali) : sebenernya gue gapernah naik wahana ini sebelumnya jadi gatau rasanya, saking mikirinnya mau naik wahana ini, gue sampe mimpi naik kora-kora coba-_- trs temen-temen gue cerita ini serem bgt jadi gue takut, trs gue duduk yang ditengah itu yang plg depannya. Ternyata............. rasanya kayak naik ayunan, gaberasa apa-apa-,- Trs pas wahananya berenti kita tuh pada teriah2 "lagi.lagi.lagi" trs kata masnya "kalo mau lagi antri dulu", dan akhirnya kita antri lagi, kali ini gue duduk kedua dari belakang dan baru berasa asyiknya, ini akhirnya adalah salah satu wahana favorit gue yang kedua stlh kicir-kicir hehe

10. Istana Boneka : haha ini rusuh parah ya, mulai dari ada yang perahunya mau terbalik, pada pindah perahu sampe kita sengaja miring-miringin perahunya "kanan.kiri.kanan.kiri" gitu, nyanyi-nyanyi lagunya dufan, pokoknya seru lah.

11. Hysteria : wowww, ini juga seru bgttttt, mana pas antrinya ada mas-mas mau nyelak gitu trs dinyolotin sama temen gue(Y). Pas naiknya sih biasa aja, tapi pas turunnya seru soalnya kita sampe keangkat giduw pantatnya, ga nempel ketempat duduknya. Dan recommended bgt kalo naik ini duduknya disamping atau dibelakang, karena pemandangan lautnya bagus sekali~~
12. Bom-Bom Car : dan kita ketemu mas-mas tukang selak lagi

13. Kora -Kora (lagi)

14. Kicir - Kicir (lagi dan 2 kali) : karena ada beberapa temen gue yang tadinya blm naik kicir-kicir, jadi gue naik ini lagi karena gue suka haha. Trs pas udah satu puteran gitu, karena dufannya udah mau tutup dan yang naik anak astor doang jadi pada teriak "lagi.lagi" gitu, sebenenya sih gue bilangnya "udaaaah" karena gue takut kalo naik wahana yang bahaya banyak-banyak jatohnya jadi kualat, tapi akhirnya diputerin lagi sama mas- masnya dan itu jadi wahana penutup perjalanan astor didufan hari itu :).

Pas pulang kita naik busway lagi tapi tujuannya beda-beda, kalo gue nebeng sela dan itu dijemput di gramedia matraman, jadi kita turun dimanatau itulah haha dan gue nebeng sampe depan komplek rumah kakak gue karena kebetulan gue lagi nginep dirumah doi. Trs pas dirumah ternyata masih kerasa naik kicir-kicir, masih muter-muter gitu. Apalagi pas tiduran, itu bener-bener kayak lagi naik kicir-kicir ya-,-


Berhubung post ini kepanjangan, dan bahasanya sok asik, jadi udahan dulu yaaaa :)

Try this




Heeeeey guys guess what. Finally Im learning something more about photo editor. I've been using photo editor application since 3 years ago but I only opperated some basics editing tools. And nowwww Im exploring something new. Denis gave me the tutorials link and it seems interesting, I learnt something new from it and Im still in the process of exploring. Here is the result of my edit

The first pict is the one before it edited and the second one is the result. It's not a good edit tho, Im still learning and I wish I can be better at editing stuffs. Uh I know you guys must be have explored that since a long time ago but it's still amazed me how I finally know more abput photo editor woaah :O

Random stuff

Do you know how it feels? when you can't find any peaceful place where people loves each other and the only thing that exsist there is love. It feels like you're lost.
When world gets so scary and no one will care enough to cerish you, to accompany you, your only destiny is your home where your family take places. You wish for their love. But what will you do when in fact you've no love from them. There's always fight everyday, madness, angry, yells, cries. Where will you go to find some peaceful and love?


Teenages stuff

Im wondering how can my life change a lot. It's like very different and the worst part is almost every aspect changed into the worse. I dont know how to turn it back like before. All of teenages problems fucked me up. Im just not strong enough to handle it. And I still dont know hows actually the best way to figured those out.

The fact is, I really need someone who lead me pass trough everything. No, its not parents, they're kinda antiquated and it's way too different about my thought and I cant handle it. Friends? I dont think so, they have their own problems and they're just come and leave. Bestfriends? Mmm in doubt. It just would be great if I have an older sister or brother. Im almost sure, I can talk anything to me and I have no doubt they'll be the one who always (I mean forever) by my side no matter how shit is my attitude. They must be not antiquated but mature enough to help me solve my problems. It's just great. I wish I have one.


Shit happens and I dont think like it's worth enough to tell to anybody so I'll just spread out whats on my mind here. It's save tho, no one will read this, who the hell will read this? no one, k. This is it

Seriously, how can I be that stupid! OF COURSE THE TRUTH IS life is about myself, what the fuck is everyone. I dont even care about some shits that happen around me.

Dont read this

Hello! It's been a long time since I posted my last post. Yesterday my friends asked me about why didnt I post something on here anymore and yeah so, I decided to start post something here.

Okay, since I have no idea what should I tell, I'll just tell you about how was my life going.

My life has changed a lot so far. My attitude is somehow more like shit nowaday. It might be because of some teenager's problems that affected my mood so much. And I become lazier day by day, I bet I won't have a good score as before in my next report card. But there is one thing that didnt change. Im still not sure about what course I should take in college. I almost be a 3rd year student, it's a must for me to make sure about that. And then I decided to take a psychotest. The test is sooo hard and confusing, it isn't like the other test that I took before. I can't wait till Mei 5th to see the result. Im really curious.

Anyway in this past 4 months of 2011 I've had 2 new friends, yay! I meet them in a social site. The one is from Philippines and the other is Polish. They're really sucha nice person and we have so much in common. I love talking with them, we talk about anything. Sometimes share our problems or just yeah anything! We talk everyday! but actually we can only communicate from that social site, thats sad. I wish I can meet in person with them and hang out together, doing something fun and crazy like a friend in real life, someday :')

Talking about my new friends makes me remember about the old fake family I used to have. They're consist of my bestfriends in real life. People that I always share everything with and be there evrytime for me. They're the nicest people on earth I've ever met. I realize that I haven't done enough for them and I still dont treat them well, yeah it's because Im such a rude and mean and sarcastic person. And now, one of them will leave soon because he'll be in college already :'( I wish we'll still keep in touch. I will never forget all the memories they've made for me and how they supported me to do something crazy because of puppy love thingy haha lol. Omg I really love them and I wish I can treat them well someday ameen.

I think thats all for now, Im run out of idea haha okay bye bye :D